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The Dawn D. Bennett-Alexander Inclusive Community Award


Dawn D. Bennett-Alexander


Award Description:

The Dawn D. Bennett Alexander Inclusive Community Award is presented to a faculty member who has made a considerable contribution to promoting Inclusive Excellence within and beyond the classroom at the University of Georgia. The award will be presented at the Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Breakfast in January of each year. The awardee will receive a $1,000 cash award. You can learn about Dawn D. Bennett-Alexander here.


The Dawn D. Bennett-Alexander award is open to all UGA faculty.  

Nomination Process:

Each Dean, Director, or Vice President of a school, college, or unit may nominate up to two faculty members per year for the Dawn D. Bennett-Alexander Inclusive Community Award.

A complete nomination would include a dossier of the following items:

  1. Letter of Nomination from Dean, Director, or Vice President
  2. CV of Nominee
  3. 1-3 page narrative written by the nominee that outlines their contributions to Inclusive Excellence within and beyond the classroom at UGA. This should also include examples of their commitment to Inclusive Excellence while fulfilling the institution’s tripartite mission of teaching, research and service.
  4. Additional artifacts which can include relevant publications, presentations, syllabi showcasing innovative curriculum, and examples of institutional engagement.

Review Committee:

A committee composed of three faculty members, one staff member from the Office of Inclusive Excellence, and one student will review all submissions materials. Only one person will be selected each year to receive the award.


The 2025 Dawn D. Bennett Alexander Inclusive Community Award nominations are now closed.