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Morrow Named Associate Director of Faculty and Staff Initiatives


Nontalie Morrow

Nontalie Morrow has been named associate director of faculty and staff initiatives within the Office of Inclusive Excellence at the University of Georgia.

Morrow will assist Michelle Garfield Cook, vice provost for diversity and inclusion and strategic university initiatives, and Dominique A. Quarles, director of diversity and inclusion, in leading UGA’s diversity initiatives and programming. Morrow will create and organize programming supporting diversity and inclusion specifically for faculty and staff.

She will assist in the effort to recruit and retain faculty and staff from underrepresented groups, as well as act as a significant resource for UGA faculty and staff and the UGA community as a whole.

“We are incredibly fortunate to have someone with Dr. Morrow’s background, experience and expertise join our team. She is committed to promoting equity and inclusion in higher education, and I know that the entire campus community will benefit from her efforts,” said Cook.

Quarles echoed those sentiments.

“I am excited to have Dr. Morrow join our team, and I am looking forward to working with her as we expand our initiatives for faculty and staff at the University of Georgia,” he said.

As associate director, Morrow will partner with various departments and groups across campus to work to advance UGA’s mission to be a more welcoming and inclusive space for faculty, staff and students.

Morrow plans to use her expertise in professional staff and faculty dynamics at UGA.

“I am really looking forward to joining the UGA community and engaging in the ongoing work around the recruitment and retention of diverse faculty and staff,” she said. “I am excited to apply my background in diversity, equity and inclusion as well as my research on professional staff and structural power dynamics to address the concerns and support the growth of underrepresented faculty and staff. Even more so, I am eager to connect with institutional partners and learn how we can collaborate on furthering diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at UGA.”

Morrow has more than 10 years of experience as a staff member working in student affairs and diversity, equity and inclusion.

Morrow received her Ph.D. in higher education from Pennsylvania State University, and her dissertation research brings attention to the formal and informal power professional staff have during transformative institutional changes. She received her M.S.Ed. in higher education administration from the University of Kansas and completed her Bachelor of Arts in psychology (minor in Spanish) at Valdosta State University, where she developed a passion for student affairs as a first-year undergraduate student, taking on student leadership roles and engaging in professional development opportunities.