Welcome to the University of Georgia! I am pleased to serve as the Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence and lead our campus efforts to build a welcoming and inclusive learning environment. This is an exciting time to be at the University of Georgia, and the work that we do in the Office of Inclusive Excellence plays a key role in the success of our institution.
The Office of Inclusive Excellence (OIE) leads the university in fulfilling its commitment to be an inclusive community that is enriched and informed by the personal, cultural, and intellectual differences of its students, faculty, staff, and visitors. As UGA and our state grow more diverse, creating a welcoming climate of civility and respect for all is more important than ever. A continuing goal of this office is to ensure that the University of Georgia is an inclusive and welcoming environment that enables all students, faculty, staff, and partners to learn, grow, and thrive.
OIE prioritizes initiatives that serve the goals and academic mission of the university. Our office facilitates collaboration of initiatives throughout campus and the external community, and provides professional development opportunities and consultation to support inclusive excellence. We also serve as a hub for information, resources and expertise on a wide range of topics and
stand ready to support units in helping reach our academic goals.
I invite you to explore our web site and encourage you to join us in spreading the Bulldog spirit throughout our campus, around theĀ Classic City, across the state of Georgia, and around the world. Our staff is ready to serve you and respond to any questions, concerns, and/or feedback at [email protected].
Alton M. Standifer, Ph.D.
Vice Provost and Chief of Staff